1991: Cotton Woods

Cotton Woods (1991) by Ray Gotto

Was there a baseball craze going on in the US at the time? Kitchen Sink published this and Baseball Comics around the same time, so they seemed to be chasing some market or other.

Max Allan Collins does the introduction.

I must admit that I had expected this to be pretty turgid, but instead it’s quite entertaining? The artwork’s handsome, and while the storyline isn’t exactly original, it’s told with such good natured humour that it’s hard to resist.

It’s also very fast paced, with dilemmas being resolved over a handful of strips instead of being drawn out over weeks, which was the industry standard of the time.

I guess if you’re interested in baseball, this might be an even better read, but it’s entertaining even if you (like me) have absolutely no interest in any sport.

This is the one hundred and twenty-seventh post in the Entire Kitchen Sink blog series.

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